Friday, January 5, 2018

Jeff's Wedding in Brooklyn....the end of our home to live in North Carolina

Fell in love again with another part of the country....the Hudson River Valley...FDR's and Eleanor's homes. Vanderbilt home, River Valley art sites, Bard College, cute town of Tivoli

Town of Grafton and Woodstock, green Flyer Train and Billings - Marshal home and farm...and more hikes in the autumn color

Andover...Southern Vermont...HIkes, Hildene (Lincoln's son's home), Plymouth Notch (home of Coolidge and restored town from early 1900)

Smuggler's Notch in Stowe Vermont

Foggy top of Mt. Mansfield....made the hike very spooky

Every person should spend some time in New England in the fall...and they say that this year has been a moderate year for color....But we have loved it!

Will miss so many picnics and happy hours at such gorgeous spots...Chef Bob hs done a stellar job in our little kitchen

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bob had no problem figuring out which horse to bet,,,That's my Dean.....

So many things to say about Bob, Cathy, and horses' butts....go right ahead...

Bill Northgraves my brother-in-law entered his relish in the Fryeburg Fair and won first place a number of years ago....we have been the happy recepient of the relish ....after seeing the exhibit I am even more impressed....

Bill and Cinnie have gone to the Fryeburg Fair for 35 years and have loved we met them there for Senior Day...with their friend Andy whom we have met previously....Loved the oxen pull, draft horses, and horse races

Hiked Appalacian Trail....well a tad of shirt is from 2000 four day hike from hut to hut....with Barbara Dworak

If you are ever near Hanover ME, go to Grafton Notch State Park.....Rocks and Bear river running over rocks making some very shallow play areas in the water...Nice waterfall at slow speed

Great day at Penobscot River Tower...and town of Castine

Cmpobella...FDR's summer home...just over the border n Canada...always loved the movie "Sunrise at Cmapobella"...Lovely NPS program "Tea with Eleanor"///lovely event....Fdr's hate and pipe,,,,Loe all these historic places we have seen...there have been many

2 weeks until the wedding.....wooHoo

Shore Way in Bar Harbor....

More bike rides and hikes to lake...soooo lovely....

Cadlaic Mountain...start of autumn