Monday, February 29, 2016

Vilia Dishes

The photo shows what we use for our dishes in the coach. It is Sixtie’s era Corelle Ware. It has a good story. My next door neighbors growing up were like second parents. They were great people. This was in Connecticut. They were early adapters to the RV way of travel and purchased their first motorhome while I was still in high school. They bought these dishes for their home on wheels because of the resistance to breakage and chipping.  They had also purchased some wooded acres in Vermont and had a driveway cut into it from the main road. In the interior, they had an space cleared for parking but left one area of large tree stumps intact to create a perfect campfire area. Then they had sewer, water and electric cut in and were done. This became their RV getaway, their “vacation home”. They named the place Stumphenge and their RV, Vilia, after a character in the operetta, The Merry Widow. Vilia was a “witch of the wood”, in that story.  Over the years of our early marriage, in visits to my parents,  Cathy and I had conversations with these wonderful folks about our dream to do the same in terms of acquiring an RV and hitting the road.  When the time came for them to pull back from the RV life, they packed the Corelle up and sent it to us. The dishes and the neighbors are why we call our rig Vilia.