Sunday, June 12, 2016

In The Swim

Cathy has found, to her delight, that Jackson, WY has an aquatic center. She is off to swim laps in their indoor Olympic pool. She loves to do this. It is her favorite form of exercise. Along the ways of our journey, and a number of blogs ago, she discovered that she is darn competitive in her age bracket in Masters swim competitions. Masters is the national org of seniors who can't stay dry. She has won some medals in regional competitions she has found as we have rolled through areas.  It has fueled her desire to keep working out. We have been surprised at some of the towns with nice aquatic centers, like small, oil-field industry Vernal, UT.
I admire her stick-to-itiveness.  She actually had a youngster say to her after a recent workout, "Wow, you're fast". If I had been there, I would have proudly told the youth that she held the state junior record for butterfly in New Jersey back when. I don't think the record still stands, but it tells you something about this Masters' stroke. I stopped racing her before we were married, actually I stopped after our first race. Hey, I have my pride...She has added her swimming as another enjoyable element to our Vilia Adventures. Watch out Mabel in lane three at the Kansas City Masters Regional this Fall...CJ is out to get you! This girl is serious competitive once the toes get wet.

1 comment:

  1. As long as the water is warmer than 58 degrees as shown in an ealier blog posting
