Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range

On our way from Casa Grande, AZ to Ajo, AZ, yesterday, we drove through this Range. Sorry for the blur, it is a wiki photo, but you get the idea of the landscape. It was created in 1941 as an expansive place for our heroic military pilots to practice bombing, air dogfights, and various air maneuvers. It is 2.7 million acres of uninhabited land and the most desolate place I have ever seen. There was no bombing going on when we went through, thankfully, but it is still in regular use by all our armed forces and we offer it's use to our favorite allies. Today, dogfights are a thing of the past but it is used mostly for testing contemporary computerized target bombing and drone attacks. I would bet they are trying out other new age air attack ideas also.
Barry was an icon of my youth.

He ran for president as the Republican nominee in 1964, when I was a junior in high school. He lost by a wide margin to Lyndon Johnson. I was too crazy a sixteen year old to worry about politics, but I seem to recall Johnson lifting his shirt and showing the press his appendix removal scar and that seemed to seal the election for him. Johnson ended up doing a good job for the country as I think Goldwater likely would have also. I wish they would both come back and enter our current presidential race...

1 comment:

  1. Goldwater was also an accomplished photographer. I think his presidential bid was sealed with the famous "Daisy Ad"
