Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cmas letter

Lows and Highs of 2015
High and Low…..B&C…….Possible move to Raleigh, No Carolina in 2017…..Sanchezes may be moving there in 2016… with Jeff in New York City, we may return to the East Coast after 44 years away! Hate the thought of leaving St. Helena & California with all its majestic beauty & amazing climate….Hate even more leaving the great people of St. Helena, especially our friends of 30 years…Excited for another new adventure & being closer to family & old friends on the East

High…Cathy……Researching and planning our route for our Vilia RV Adventure….

High…B&C…Spending Jan 2015 on the Big Island in Hawaii…..& for Cathy….coming home for one day, then going on an “Oldies” cruise in the Caribbean with my disabled adult travelers group….it was a huge hoot.

Low…B&C…..Going through our household of 30 years….. Deciding what to save, sell or donate…….

Low….Bob…Packing our belongings for storage ….many episodes of sore backs and hands (Bob worked for the New Canaan moving company in high school…that skill has come in handy!)

High…..Guess Who…..Having all 3383 Dean Martin songs ripped from my CDs and put on a flash drive….we are crossing the country with Dean!

High….B&C….Writing, photographing and posting items on our blog…we love that so many of you are travelling with us vicariously!  See us at
High….B&C…..Everything about our grandchildren…..Izara, age 7 in 2nd grade, Olivia, age 6 in Kindergarten and Ceiba, almost 4, in preschool…. best quote of the year…..Ceiba was doing a project at preschool and the teacher asked her where her grandparents live…..she answered “Everywhere!”.  Amy has a USA map and they follow our route. 

High….B&C….Learning so much about a plethora of subjects as we travel…..History, Native Americans...Cliff Dwellings…The Wild West...Geology…Geography…Flora and Fauna of the West…Reading some well researched historical fiction and non-fiction books about the areas…Also read all the exhibits…ah well, many of the exhibits along with watching the films at the State & National Parks, Monuments and Historical Sites.

Low….B&C…Not seeing a Gila Monster on our many Arizona hikes

High…B&C…..Not getting bit by the aforementioned animal……

High…Cathy….Being able to use plethora and aforementioned in this letter.

Low…B&C….……Playing golf at our Meadowood Country Club for the last time

High….B&C…Being a Snowbird in AZ… here for 3 months….with a two Cmas week trip to Sac

Low….B&C…..Wondering if we would be ready to rent the house and leave in our RV by July 1st.

Low….B&C….4 garage sales, many items on Ebay & Craig’s List in preparation for house rental-.

Low…Bob….Trying to buy fresh produce and better wine in some of the areas of our travels.

High…Cathy….Laughing at Bob’s funny quips…travel provides him with great fodder for humor.

High and Low…..B&C…….Our possible last dinners on our beloved deck in St. Helena.

High….Cathy…..Adding 33 more National Parks, Monuments and Historical Sites to my list of NPS units visited….Have done over 200…about 180 left to go!

High and Low…..B&C…….An “RV Adventure” try-out trip to southern California in March…..had many hassles, learned some good lessons about Vilia and of course visited some great places.

Low…B&C…..Not being on our bocce ball team for the first time in 15 years (since 2000)

High …..B&C…….Hiking, biking, golfing, sightseeing, swimming, photographing, attending museums and “living” in so many different places on this grand adventure.

High….B&C…..Becoming North Carolina Panther Football fans.

High….B&C….Hassles with our RV dealer….but we did get all problems eventually solved. 

Low…B&C….. Wrinkles.

High…..Cathy……Watching Bob do all the preparations when hooking-up and unhooking our RV.

High……B&C…Jeff started a new job in Sept…..He had worked for a non- profit company which had a contract with the 5 boroughs of NY…He was Director of Restitution.  The Manhattan DA and staff liked his work so much that they created a new position for & hired him for just Manhattan…..Going after some big amount restitutions ….get the Bernie Madoffs  of the world.

High…B&C…Spending time with the whole Sanchez family……

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