Thursday, November 19, 2015

Good Morning Us!
Here we are in Alpine, Texas, so named because of an early pioneer named Al who lived in the pines of our RV park…I think.

Us is not us, it is who we are traveling with in our adventures. We just pulled out next door, we have seen us at every stop, visit and hike we’ve had. A couple of nights ago, at Terlingua Ghost Town and The Starlight Theatre Restaurant, we were at about 8 other tables for dinner. It’s often a grey short-haired fellow with whiskers of some sort along with a pretty face filled with brightness about the life’s fun time they are having. Sometimes it’s the interesting bald head/ponytail combo with a comfortably dressed, hanging in the 60’s dear heart. Along with the occasional, we went to prep school and the right college pink Ralph Lauren shirt, and the, I’m wearing nylon fabric fishing pants and shirt even though I don’t fish, it is all us. Our generation in the early years of retirement mode. I'm guilty of all the above looks, save the ponytail, and you can add the golf shirt and shorts statement as well. 
Part of RV park living is the hellos said as you see neighbors. I’m thinking about just saying “Hi Bob” to any of the guys. I have a 1 in 10 chance of being right.

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